We awoke today to find a good two inches of snow on the ground! It was beautiful. The guys from work called and it was decided that it would be a work-from-home-snowday. So, we immediately got our snow clothes on and went out to play. We did a little sledding on the small hill on the side of the house, but we kept running into the house so we decided to look for a better hill. We carried our little saucer sleds all around the neighborhood but could not find a good hill. When we got back to the house, we started working on a snowman. Soon, MT called and said that there was a big hill that the kids in his neighborhood sled on when it snows so we went over there. It was a much better hill than ours, the largest hill I think I've ever sledded on. When we got back home, we finished off our snowman, Bob. Snow is such great fun!
Our backyard. Our backyard. The side of our backyard. More of the side of the backyard. More of the backyard. Our poor little plum trees that we haven't gotten around to planting yet. The front corner of our yard. Deep, snowy footprint. The neighbor's truck all snowed over. Another neighbor's car all snowed over. The slightly traveled street. Randal talking on the phone while walking back up the sledhill on the side of the house. Our house is so pretty in snow. Randal talking on the phone while sledding down the sledhill on the side of our house. Such a snowy neighborhood. Snow-covered stop sign. Our snow-covered mailbox. The front corner of our yard. Bob guards our house. Bob is happy. Bob and Randal want peace. Bob likes hugs. I like hugging Bob. Back Back to My Home