no sleep. that’s apparently what you get on your last night of this cruise. the earthquake started at 03:00 and continued until 07:00. yes, that’s right, four straight hours of noise and shaking and glasses falling off the desk. i am very displeased with this. once the commotion finally stopped, we napped a bit before grabbing some breakfast. we ran into anastasia and talked with her until it was time for her to disembark. it was a shame to see her go. we’ve really enjoyed getting to know her this week. for some reason, even though we were staying on the ship, we had to go through customs. it really didn’t make sense to me but that’s what we did. there were about six of us sticking around so, after the crowds were gone, a crew-member walked us out to the customs agents and back on to the ship. it wasn’t bad, probably ten or fifteen minutes. we inquired about getting our room switched to something, anything, that wouldn’t shake apart when pulling into a port but we got brushed off. we then went back to our room and slept until lunch time.
hubby peering out the window

hubby peering out the window

it was a little strange to go up for lunch and not see any of the folks that we had been running into and talking with all week. not only is it all new faces, but there is a disturbingly large group of red-hatters. seeing them reminds me of her which, naturally, makes me a bit sad.i wonder if she’s here and i just haven’t seen her yet. anyhow, we repeated all of the embarkation fun – muster drill, set sail, welcome aboard. for some reason, they changed our dinner time to the earlier seating so we had to talk with the maître d’ to get that changed and we rested up until then. we are sitting at six-topper table but only one other couple was there tonight, aj and carolyn from tn. we then went to the welcome aboard show. i’m afraid that all of the entertainment is going to be deja vu for us. the cruise director had the same schtick. the comedian was tim harkleroad again and, while his routine was the same, i thought that the delivery was much better this time and i enjoyed it much more.

towel animal du jour:  bulldog!



we’re back in port for a few hours, marking the halfway point in our cruise. It’s been a wonderful week filled with rest, relaxation, snorkeling, and way too much eating. The coolest thing was an
excursion from calica (which isn’t really a town, just a port in the middle of a quarry – the nearest town is playa del carmen ten miles away). We snorkled underground in a cavern called chaak tun. I think we have some good pix of the underwater stalactites, stalagmites, collumns, and even some fishies. We also met some great people, including a girl traveling by herself from Russia (siberia to be exact). She was very interesting and we spent a lot of time hanging out with her. Of course, pix and full recap will have to wait until we’re home at the end of the week and I have my computer.



days at sea are wonderfully lazy days. i love them. we showed up to the breakfast buffet just before they shut down the line. the day consisted largely of napping, watching movies, and lounging by the pool. hubby tried to teach me chess on the massive game board on the pool deck. luckily, i didn’t lose because we had to end the game to get ready for dinner. as the last night of a cruise usually goes, there was much exchanging of emails and good-bye conversations.

burrell and linda

charles and suzanne

we missed the show because they inexplicably rearranged the schedule so that the show was before dinner and we missed that part of the bulletin. however, we did make it to the late-night adult comedy show which was the same guy as two nights ago and, while i still didn’t laugh as much as with the first guy, i thought his adult show was much better than the general one. i laughed quite a bit. when we got out of the show, we headed into the disco where we had agreed to meet up with anastasia (she doesn’t partake of the comedy shows because, while her english is great, her slang is not and the subtleties of the comedians are hard for her to understand). we ended up hanging out, talking, and dancing with anastasia until almost 02:00.

me and anastasia

anastasia and hubby

towel animal du jour: flower