Pictures from Adventures of Day 6

Fairly nice foliage in New Brunswick. New Brunswick foliage. The worlds longest covered brigde - Hartland, NB.
The worlds longest covered brigde - Hartland, NB. The worlds longest covered brigde and my boy. The worlds longest covered brigde - Hartland, NB.
A silver tree. New Brunswick foliage. New Brunswick foliage.
New Brunswick foliage. Grand Falls, NB. Grand Falls gorge, NB.
My boy at Grand Falls, NB. Grand Falls from a distance. Grand Falls gorge.
Grand Falls gorge. A small fall cut out in the side of the gorge. Grand Falls gorge.
Out of all of the states and provinces we've been, Québec had the nicest by far. Foliage around the Saint Lawrence River, QC. Foliage around the Saint Lawrence River, QC.
Boy was getting frustrated that all the signs in Québec are in french. This sign gave us the idea they might be mocking us. Pretty church in the distance - Québec. Saint Lawrence River - Québec.
Vieux Québec is such a beautiful place. Especially all lit up at night. Such amazing architecture.
The entrance/exit to the fort. Same as the first two pics, taken from down on the river.

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