brighten j'lynn's day with an
current rantings or rantings of days past... 2004 or 2003
A 13 year old boy shot a rubber band in the general direction of his teacher. 10 days suspension, possibility of expulsion. Boy's parent's outraged.Two 10 year old boys tackled an 8 year old girl and tried to remove her clothing. 3 days suspension from the after school program only. Brushed off as child's play. Girl's parents outraged; principal dismissive.
Same school district, 5 miles apart.
There's something wrong with our society.
Clearly I need to be in touch with our local media. I don't want my step-daughter raised in a "it's okay to be the victim" mindset.
To whom it may concern:would you believe that i have received no reply at all?! i cannot even express how much this angers me. it's bad enough to have such poor customer service, but when such a complaint is sent to the owner of the store and he does not even attempt to offer an excuse, that's just terrible business practice. it really makes me feel like conceiving some mass truth-telling campaign to ensure that they lose all of their business. /phillipic. so we gymmed monday night, but due to crowdedness and blistered heals, i only did weights. i did legs and abs. funny that when i get home, i feel like i've done nothing at all if i haven't gotten all sweaty and out of breath. last night, we didn't leave work until almost 1900, which is really just too late to gym. tonight, i might attempt the aerobic weightlifting class with the instructor i don't like if we get out of here on time. it's not that the instructor is not good, she just has no beginner level. we did her aerobic kickboxing class a couple times and she about killed us. she's just much faster than the other instructors. unfortunately, i am intrigued by the aerobic weightlifting and it is only offered one evening this month and it's with her. we'll see. perhaps i'll just elliptical instead. sometimes you just can't tell until you get there and evaluate your mood. i also did measurements last night and was quite depressed. must. work. through. the. depression. if i let it get me down, i'll never fix the problem. really bad cycle.I am writing to inform you of my dissatisfaction with your jewelry store. I have been in the store twice.
My first visit was to get an estimate on having some marcasites replaced on a ring of mine. I told the two service persons, a man and a lady, that I was interested in getting the small stones replaced but that I would likely have the whole ring remade in the future. I expressed my happiness that a jewelry store had moved in so close to home and how convenient that would be. The service representatives were very nice. They took down my name and phone number and the size and quantity of stones that I was looking to replace and told me that they would call me during the week with a cost. I never heard back from them.
A month or two later, I was in the Cingular store next door and decided that I would give your store the benefit of the doubt and try again. I walked in and the lady behind the counter instantly recognized me and recalled the ring and the stones that I had inquired about previously. I told her that I was there to inquire once more because I had never been contacted the last time. She seemed very apologetic and went back to ask the jeweler about a price. I found the price agreeable and she informed me that they would need to order the stones. She took down my information (again) in order to contact me once the stones came in. She assured me that she would personally follow up on this to make sure that I was contacted and that my ring was taken care of this time. I never heard back from her again. I am quite relieved that I decided against leaving my ring at the store.
My coworker was going to purchase a ring for a Christmas present from your store. After a week of not hearing back from your representative (again), I told my coworker that he would be better off going to another jeweler. [competitor] got his business and when I have the chance to get up that way, they will have mine as well. I have told all of my coworkers about my experience and they all subsequently chose to go to a less convenient jeweler for their Christmas needs.
This letter is merely to inform you that your poor customer service has lost you not only my business, but that of anyone I know who is looking for a jeweler. In my opinion, a business that just opened within the last year does not have the luxury of throwing away customers.
J'Lynn V Holloway
Subject: Paper Surprise J'Lynn, we appreciate your inquiry concerning this issue. I really apologize that you received that in your paper box. I can't explain how it got there but would like to insure you that we do not promote such things like that. Again I really apologize. Thank you for your patience concerning this matter.