Day 8 – Vegas back to Phoenix
Apr 16
We slept in this morning and then started the long drive back to Phoenix. Sadly, we decided to grab breakfast down the road, only to find that there was nothing down the road. And then we sat in traffic forever trying to cross the Hoover Dam. Fortunately, it appears that they are building a bridge

new bypass bridge
that will hopefully allow the commuters to bypass the tourist trap in the future.

bypass from the dam
I’m not saying that the dam isn’t impressive – it is –

backside of the dam
but if you’ve seen it once, there’s really no need to see it again. The huge slab of concrete really doesn’t change. So, several hours after leaving Las Vegas, we finally found a little town with a little food and I ravenously devoured a sammich. And not much further down the road, we pulled over so that hubby could get a nap and I could finally get some postcards in the mail. We finally rolled into Phoenix around 19:00 and are preparing for the intrusion of the real world.