Day 18 – Tuesday

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Today was more or less a rest day. After work we napped a bit and then we walked around town and went down to Waikiki Beach for a bit. I managed to find two inches of beach where I could lay my towel down and lay in the sun for a few minutes. I hoped to try to get a little color on the front of me to even out with the lots of color on the back of me. I didn’t succeed very much. And I’ve still got the wonderful farmer’s tan sleeves from our rafting trip over Memorial Day weekend. I’ve determined I’m going to have those sleeves forever. Randal played in the waves a bit with his boogie board and gave his board to some kid when he was done. He layed with me for a few minutes but he’s not very good at being still for long so we soon got up and started walking around again. We got great seats for the little beach-front hula show. It was a terrific show. I think they did a great job and greatly appreciated that they do these free shows every night. It’s a wonderful thing for tourists to do. As we were leaving the beach, we managed to run into a very large Quizno’s cup who was kindly handing out coupons for free sandwhiches so that answered the “what’s for dinner” question. Gotta love it when that happens.