Day 8

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This was primarily a drive day. After searching for another Best Buy which we finally found in Missoula. Our 2nd brand new camcorder was still giving us a message so we talked to them and we called Canon and finally decided to throw in the towel and buy a head cleaner and hope that we don’t have anymore troubles. If it doesn’t do the trick, I’m just going to cry. We drove across the top of Idaho, by Coeur D’Alene Lake, which I just might say is one of the prettiest lakes I’ve ever seen (of course, no scenic pulloffs to get pictures of it). We stopped in Spokane, WA to see if there was anything to do, which there wasn’t, so we headed down the road trying to find a place to camp. I do not suggest ever stopping in Sprague, WA. We got off there and wound up lost on some road that went on forever and was so foggy that you couldn’t see ten feet in any direction. We finally found our way out of there and decided to stop at the next inhabited exit so that we wouldn’t miss any more landscape. We set up camp in Ritzville, WA.