Day 9 – Detroit, MI / Buffalo, NY

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We pretty much decided just to head back to Jenny’s today. We got up semi-early and drove/walked around downtown Detroit by the river. We then crossed back into Canada and headed toward NY. It was a nice leisurely drive and there were a few spots of nice foliage, but not much. We crossed back to the American side around 18:00 and called Jenny to let her know we were on our way. I’m pleased to say that I even found our way through Buffalo back to where she lives (NEVER ask Jenny for directions anywhere!). Mike was still at work so the three of us went to Anchor Bar – home of the Buffalo Wings – and had a very yummy dinner. They were very good wings, and huge, but they would have been so much better with garlic tnt. So it goes. We stayed up and talked with Mike for a while when he came home and then we crashed on the living room floor.