Carnival Miracle Day 4 – St Maarten
Oct 20
Today was our first port day!

that would be our great big cruise ship on the right... totally cowering from the monstrosity that is the rc allure of the seas. we look like one of their muster boats
We met up with the group for an early breakfast and got off the ship around 08:00 to hail a taxi to Orient Beach. The water was a beautiful turquoise blue and the sand was white, soft, and silty. The waves were pretty fierce and there was a good bit of seaweed so I abstained from water play. We rented some loungers and umbrellas and I held down the shade the whole day. Hubby went for a run up and down the beach and played in the water with some of the others in the group. The beach was a n3kk!d beach but I only saw a few people exercising that option. Many more took the topless option. I remained in long sleeves all day under my slice of shade. No skin cancer for me, thankyouverymuch. Honestly, I was bored and done with the beach after the first hour, just as I would be back home, but I tried to remind myself that not everyone has a beach in their backyard and so it’s a bigger deal for them than for me. It was a nice social day but, even though I never left the shade, I came back with more sun on me than I wanted.
We got a taxi back to port around 14:30, after finding a cabbie who would give us a 8 for 7 deal since hubby and I failed to bring enough cash off the ship. We felt like deadbeat losers but, seriously, who would have thought a day at the beach, without any food or drinks, would cost so bloody much???
When we got back on the ship, we had a much-too-late-for-such-an-early-dinner-seating lunch and took a short nap before dinner. After, we caught up with Sylvis and Peach to watch the ship’s version of Minute To Win It. We finished out the night with the marriage game which is the cruise equivalent of the newlywed game but with three couples – newlyweds, middlyweds, and oldlyweds. Always good for a laugh, that one.