Archive for December, 2016


Momma for the win!

   Posted by: arcanai    in the turkey

Coming home from dinner tonight, we were talking with the turkey trying to keep him awake until we made it back to grandmother’s house. This conversational snippet nearly made me cry:

He: I’m a happy boy!

Me: yes you are. What makes you so happy?

He: mommy makes me happy!

After a few seconds of thought, he revised that to “mommy and daddy” but the point is, I was the first and immediate response! Maybe he’s not a total daddy’s boy after all.


Feeling the fail

   Posted by: arcanai    in Nuthin' Special

Because the turkey is such a good kid, I have a tendency to the sight of the fact that he’s still a toddler. There are times when his behavior is not quite exemplary and I end up feeling like a huge failure of a mother. I need to get past this urge to internalize and hold him up to a standard that’s unrealistic. Fact of the matter is that even at his Worst Behavior we are incredibly blessed to have such a great kid.


boom! shakalaka

   Posted by: arcanai    in the turkey

sometimes i really am at a loss for where the turkey is picking things up. this morning, i asked how he was doing while he was eating breakfast and his response was “boom shakalaka!”  what the heck?!  that’s definitely not something hubby or i have ever said. he doesn’t watch tv and the only place he’s been around other people lately is church.  it’s such a weird expression, i just wish i knew who uses it.

the other favorite lately is “oh my gosh!”  i’m pretty sure he picked that one up from my niece but it’s so funny when he says it.

in other news, he just so much more conversational in general lately.  he keeps coming up with increasingly complex sentences.  he blows me away with the things that come out of his mouth.