Archive for September, 2013


spiritual growth = social anxiety

   Posted by: arcanai    in Nuthin' Special

since we’ve been getting more involved with the church, I’ve been wanting to try joining a small group.  I’ve never done bible study before so i was pretty nervous but i felt like i needed to do it.  i really wanted to do something that hubby and i could do together but his training just doesn’t leave him any time for it (which is a shame because there was a really fun looking group that was going to study the bible through a les mis character study… how cool is that?!!!).  since i was going to have to go it alone, i decided to try the online group.  i kind of thought that it was going to be an asynchronous message board kind of thing where we would all just post our thoughts on the book we’re reading.  turns out it’s actually going to be a weekly video conference.  aacckkk!!!  why didn’t i just wait until the next course when my hubby could join me?  i’m so nervous about this endeavor now.


visiting the fam

   Posted by: arcanai    in family time, pix

this pas weekend, hubby had a hilly bike race up in north ga.  it was a beautiful day and he did great… especially considering that he’s a Floridian athlete whose idea of “hill” training is riding repeats over the highway bridge.  the course had a mile of elevation change and he finished almost an hour quicker than he anticipated.

since we were going up to that neck of the woods anyhow, we decided to extend the trip a bit and visit our old office and my brudder’s family in their new habitat and new restaurant.  the restaurant is awesome and huge.  plenty of room for them to really grow it into a great business.  naturally, my SIL stuffed us silly and we were fat and happy with her fantastic cooking.  of course, this also meant that we got to see my baby girl for the first time since she was just an itty bitty.  we spent some time with her at the restaurant but she was shy and didn’t feel like getting to know us.  when we went back to their house, she decided to open up to us a bit showing us her great room and toys and how she can wrestle her daddy.before long, she had warmed up to us and let me pick her up and play with her. who doesn’t love being upside down?  it’s great fun! auntie arcanai is her favoritest aunt… she just doesn’t understand that yet 🙂 she likes to play “so big!”  i’m not sure if this is a well-known thing or not but it’s something we got from our mom.  basically, you say “so big!” in a high, sing-song voice and she reaches up to the sky to show you just how big she is.  I have fond memories of this and I’ve always done it with any baby I’ve ever held in my life.  apparently, it stuck with my brother too because this definitely was not her first rodeo.  it’s really stinkin adorable! the only family pic I got.  they were playing and having fun so it’s okay that their eyes weren’t all open.


experiment is a go

   Posted by: arcanai    in heartache, prayers needed

oncologist signed off on the experimental treatment so the heart condition isn’t going to be a problem after all (hopefully).  program should start next month.  praying with all my heart.


much needed vacations on the horizon

   Posted by: arcanai    in happy things

we’re taking a couple of days off next week to loafer around in the mountains after hubby’s hilly bike race.  about a week after ironman, we’ll be celebrating with a Jamaican all-inclusive resort with friends.  and today i booked a cruise for December.  so excited about all of the fun down-time we’ve got to look forward to over the next couple months.  there is a bright light at the end of this training tunnel!