the nights have been pretty tough. not just because i’ve got a newborn so i’m up every other hour feeding him but, when i do lay down, i put my hands on my belly and there’s nothing there. my husband doesn’t get it. he can’t. but i feel so much grief over the fact that there will never be life in my belly again. it will never again grow full and round and heavy (well, unless i keep eating ALL THE CHOCOLATE). it will never again be filled with the movements of arms and legs and hicups. two kids is enough. but it’s so hard to accept that i’ll never be pregnant again.
happy due day to me, happy due day to me, happy due date dear me, happy due day to me!
the sequel is very comfortable and is in no rush to meet us. the dr was laughing about how wrong he’s been when he came into the office this morning. the sequel is measuring 7lbs 8oz, which puts him right there with his brother’s size. growth restricted my pinky toe! i’m 4cm, 90%, 0 station. the dr was very confident that he’s coming this weekend. “i know the feel of ripe for birth and you’re there.” um, no offence doc, but i’ve been listening to that for the last four weeks! the practice has a policy of not allowing patients to go past 41 weeks for the safety of the baby. if i’m still pregnant next week, they’ll break my water. i’m really hoping he decides to join us naturally before then. in the meantime, i’ve had some wicked contractions all afternoon but they’re not staying regular. between the soreness from the exam and the contractions, it’s been a fun afternoon.
8 Sep 2016
1 Sep 2016
at our appointment on tuesday, there were no changes and the dr seemed pretty surprised. his first words coming into the exam room were that he was shocked he hadn’t seen us at the hospital over the weekend; that he was sure after the exam last week that i wouldn’t make it another week. so much for his intuitions.
i actually thought today was the day. contractions started at 04:00 strong enough to wake me out of a sound sleep. they continued every 6-7 minutes for about an hour and a half and then backed off enough for me to fall back asleep for a little while. they started up again while i was at the gym and got stronger and stronger during my workout. i came back and put my legs up while i worked and they continued every 5-8 minutes for another four hours. they never got more regular though and they never got more intense and, a little after noon, they fizzled out. i’m in no hurry to see this pregnancy end but it was exciting to think that we were going to finally meet our little sequel. soon. very soon.
i feel like every week that i get to post one of these is just a huge blessing right now. praying for good news at the dr’s tomorrow.
11 Aug 2016
forgot all about my belly pic after the startling dr visit yesterday. just praying that this pregnancy continues for another five weeks.
5 Aug 2016
27 Jul 2016
today will be our last trip for a while. i’m not much looking forward to sitting in the car for so long but we’re looking forward to celebrating granddaddy’s 70th birthday.
gah! single digit weeks to go! why do i feel so much less prepared than last time? is it because we’re still not even close to having a name for the little guy?
7 Jul 2016
3/4 of the way through this pregnancy. i can’t believe how fast it’s flying by. i’m so sad that in ten more weeks, i’ll never feel these wonderful feels again. i can totally see why women have a dozen or two babies. pregnancy is so hard to let go of.
30 Jun 2016
75% baked!
18 Jun 2016
we had a wonderful trip, complete with visits to both families, two graduations, and a family vacation filled with friends, fun, and waterfalls.
and we’re heading out on vacation later today so it’ll be a few weeks before i get to do my next belly pic. i’m guessing there’ll be a pretty significant bump by then.
25 May 2016