Archive for April, 2018


name that brother

   Posted by: arcanai    in the sequel

the sequel woke up this morning and decided he could say his brother’s name. and, just for good measure, he even through in his own name!


family time

   Posted by: arcanai    in family time, the sequel, the turkey

sometimes i think it would be nice to have some family nearby. my sissy, BIL, and niece are visiting this week and the boys are absolutely loving it. the sequel just keeps going around shouting “auntie*, auntie, auntie!” at dinner the other night, the turkey asked “aunt auntie*, do you have Jesus in your heart?” completely out of the blue. she, of course, said she does and asked what about him to which he replied “yes, i do! right here *pointing to chest*!” moments like that, i don’t think we’re messing things up too bad with our parenting. it has been wonderful having the aunt, uncle, and cousin here all week though. we’ve had dinners together every night and we’ve played and gone to playgrounds and just loved loving on family. i’m seriously of the opinion that they should just go ahead and move here.

*”auntie” used in place of actual name to protect the innocent

and, speaking of heart-melting moments, the turkey got me yesterday when i said “you are my favoritest love-monkey ever!” and he smiled at me and said “mommy, that makes me so happy!!!”