Archive for September, 2014


5 weeks old

   Posted by: arcanai    in da belly, pix, the turkey

several days late but within the 5 week range, nonetheless…

29 Sept 2014


First single parent outing

   Posted by: arcanai    in pix, the turkey

today was the turkey’s first time going out with just one of his parents.  i took him over to chef’s house to visit with her and her daughter, ash, and grand-peanut-to-be.  they were kind enough to allow us to borrow their mamaroo soother/swing/thing so that we can test it out with daily fussy time.  they won’t need it for another six months anyhow.  we had a great visit and momma had no trouble getting around with the turkey by herself.  he is enamored with ash.  i’m not sure if it’s because she’s a black-haired beauty and he’s a flirt or if he can sense that she’s got one of his playmates in her belly.

just momma and me


eviction notice

   Posted by: arcanai    in pix, the turkey

hubby kicked the turkey out of our room yesterday.  it was so hard putting him in his own room all the way on the other end of the house but i think i did pretty good.  i only watched the monitor for a few minutes every couple hours 😉

he looks so tiny in that great big crib

mesmerized by the new mobile

reality tv at its finest


1 month birthday

   Posted by: arcanai    in pix, the turkey

showing off his powerful biceps

please let those beautiful blues stick!

finally caught that gorgeous smile on camera


4 weeks old

   Posted by: arcanai    in da belly, pix, the turkey

18 Sept 2014


everyone’s a comedian

   Posted by: arcanai    in the turkey

another new development today… he picked up and held onto an object for the first time today.  we were doing a diaper change when he picked up the peepee teepee and started waving it around.  while i was marveling over this new motor skill, he proceeded to spray a healthy stream of pee all over his changing basket and pack-n-play.  my boy has a great sense of humor 🙂


new wonders daily

   Posted by: arcanai    in pix, the turkey

it is just amazing how he grows and changes and develops every day, right before our eyes.  on sunday, he started to actively grab onto our fingers and hold on.  yesterday, he started tracking our faces… not only is he following us with his eyes now but he’ll actually move his head back and forth to keep us in focus.  it doesn’t sound like much but considering that he hardly seemed to be able to focus on our faces just days ago, it’s a huge accomplishment.

look at me, i'm grasping!


3 weeks old

   Posted by: arcanai    in da belly, pix, the turkey

we’ve been tracking weight by weighing ourselves with and without baby. today, he hit 10 lbs. our little chunky monkey is growing like a weed!

12 Sept 2014

i have adorable feets

big hands to grow into


2 weeks old

   Posted by: arcanai    in da belly, pix, the turkey

04 Sept 2014

we had our two week checkup today and another clean bill of health. he’s growing way too fast for momma’s liking but i guess that means i’m taking good care of him.


I'm two weeks old today. I've grown 1.5 inches and gained almost a full pound since birth! I am 21 inches long and 8 lbs 7.5 oz.

as for momma: by the end of the pregnancy, i had gained fifteen pounds (compared to weight at dr visit one week prior to conceiving). we stayed two nights in the hospital after birth so by the time i got home, two days after birth, i had lost ten pounds of baby and womb. i then lost a pound a day for most of the first week, getting back to pre-pregnancy weight by day 8. i’ve finally plateaued at five pounds below pre-pregnancy weight. no, i have not been trying to lose the weight… i haven’t been exercising (ouch – although everything seems to be healing well) and i haven’t been dieting. i have been eating everything in sight because nursing takes a lot out of me (obviously). apparently, all you need to do to slim down is have a baby and breastfeed it. i love the nursing because it’s such a special bonding time but it wears me out much more than i expected. most of the time, i have a hard time keeping my eyes open through it because it just makes me so sleepy and then i’m always parched and ravenous afterward.  i also seem to be finally experiencing some of the pregnancy symptoms that i had missed out on during the actual pregnancy – after birth, i developed that dark line down my abdomen, i’ve been crazy emotional and crying over everything, and i am now craving sweets non-stop.