Archive for July, 2016


34 weeks

   Posted by: arcanai    in da belly, pix, the sequel

27 Jul 2016

today will be our last trip for a while.  i’m not much looking forward to sitting in the car for so long but we’re looking forward to celebrating granddaddy’s 70th birthday.


33 weeks

   Posted by: arcanai    in da belly, pix, the sequel

21 Jul 2016



   Posted by: arcanai    in heartache

i’ve been highly disturbed about my dad this week. entirely different from the constant missing him. i’ve been having bad dreams. not the normal sad “i miss you” dreams but crazy negative dreams where i’m in complete fear of him or filled with hatred for him.  awful feelings that i have no reason at all to feel.  i wake feeling discombobulated and, well, disturbed.  this morning, i noticed that my favorite photo of me and him had somehow fallen over and was face down on it’s narrow little shelf.  i righted it with a thought of how strange it was for it to fall over like that without falling off the shelf.  just a little while ago, that photo crashed to the floor, narrowly missing the turkey who was playing nearby and was fortunately untouched by the spray of glass shards from the frame.  i am… disturbed.


mommy bragging

   Posted by: arcanai    in the turkey

this morning at breakfast, i taught the turkey his “big name” (first, middle, last).  it was the first time i’ve gone over that with him.  tonight, i had hubby ask him what his “big name” was and he immediately answered. that little smarty pants amazes me.  now he knows his full name and his address (well, building name and unit number anyhow… he mastered that much a couple weeks ago).

he’s also been warming my heart with a plethora of “thank you, mommy”s during his meals.  so flipping sweet i can’t stand it!


32 weeks

   Posted by: arcanai    in da belly, pix, the sequel

14 Jul 2016


31 weeks

   Posted by: arcanai    in da belly, pix, the sequel

gah! single digit weeks to go! why do i feel so much less prepared than last time?  is it because we’re still not even close to having a name for the little guy?

7 Jul 2016


big boy sleeping

   Posted by: arcanai    in pix, the turkey

we spent the holiday weekend clearing out the bunk room so that we can start making a nursery for the sequel.  part of that was moving the bunk bed into the turkey’s room to start transitioning him to a big boy bed.  he was so excited and proud of it!  we moved it in there on sunday but he didn’t sleep on it until nap on monday.  he napped in there the last three days and slept in his crib at night.  tonight is his first night sleeping in the big bed and he fell asleep faster than he has all week.  so far, so good!  he hasn’t even tried to get out of bed on his own yet.  after his naps, he’s been waiting for us to come in and get him like a good boy even though we let him wait up to twenty minutes and he knows how to get down.  i’m so proud of my big boy!

so proud of his new big boy bed

we were going to try potty training over the long weekend but got hung up by not being able to find training pants his size.  instead, we just let him use the potty whenever he wanted, keeping it casual.  he asked several times a day and even had a couple good p00ps so i think it was a good trial run.   i’m still not 100% sure that he’s really ready for full training but we’re going to give it a serious try this weekend after his training pants come in.  pray for us!