3/4 of the way through this pregnancy. i can’t believe how fast it’s flying by. i’m so sad that in ten more weeks, i’ll never feel these wonderful feels again. i can totally see why women have a dozen or two babies. pregnancy is so hard to let go of.
30 Jun 2016
75% baked!
the turkey p00ped in the potty for the first time today. we haven’t even started potty training yet but every time we come in from the beach/pool and str!p him, he runs into the potty and uses it just because he wants to. i’m so proud of my little boy!
i had my first bout of false labor this morning. we were down at the beach/pool with family and i was having strong contractions every five minutes or so for a couple hours. i finally got enough water in me to get it to ease off but it was strange to have it happen so soon. i didn’t have any false labor with the turkey until the last few weeks. this little sequel has eleven weeks to go so he’d better not be getting any crazy ideas about coming out pre-baked!
in other news, the heartburn has also started earlier this time. i’ve been going through tums like pez. when it starts getting bad enough that i can’t lay down at night, i’ll start the prilosec again. fun times. i also had my one hour glucose test last week and have to go back for the three hour next week. i wasn’t surprised this time that i failed the initial though i am hoping that the three hour proves to be as much a non-event as last time. with the turkey, i ate so healthy and i didn’t have to worry about sweets because that was one of my biggest aversions. i couldn’t tolerate anything sweet at all. unfortunately, i have not been so blessed this time. whereas i didn’t have any cravings with the turkey, the sequel craves chocolate non-stop. in real life, i can’t stand chocolate cake or ice cream. now, it’s all i can think about every day. it’s excruciating and i’d like to say that i fight it off but i’ve been entirely too weak and caved too often. when the sequel has ADHD, i’ll have no one to blame but myself 🙁
we’ve been saying meal and bedtime prayers with the turkey since birth. a couple months ago, we started teaching him a simple prayer to say at meals himself. today, he recited the entire prayer on his own with no prompting. i couldn’t be more proud of my little guy. the turkey’s first solo prayer: “Jesus, thank you for my food. amen.” i only pray that this is his first baby step on a path toward finding and following Jesus Christ.
23 Jun 2016
18 Jun 2016
we had a wonderful trip, complete with visits to both families, two graduations, and a family vacation filled with friends, fun, and waterfalls.