Archive for the ‘feelin bad’ Category


week, end already

   Posted by: arcanai

is anyone else as ready for the weekend as i am? i don’t know if it’s the fatigue or the headaches that have both been plaguing me all week but i am ready for a couple of days of rest. relatively speaking. since we’ll be going out and having fun tonight and i have to stripe that bathroom to cross it off my list. is it four yet?



   Posted by: arcanai

i really am not sure what the deal is but i have been exhausted all week again. it’s very frustrating. last week we were actually able to lunch-gym a couple of days. this week i just can’t bring myself to do anything more than fail at taking a nap. i’ve had a hard time getting up in the mornings again – hubby kicked me out of bed this morning when i thought i had another snooze but i was actually late for work. of course, that was after i was wide awake at 05:41 and tried to convince myself to get up and go to the gym instead of trying to go back to sleep. oh well. maybe next week will be better again. however, we did just see our first sea turtle. i’m actually a bit surprised that we haven’t seen any before. seems like turtles would be pretty common around here. not sure why it seems that way but it does. anyhow, YAY for another creature sighting!


bug bites

   Posted by: arcanai

the bunk room looks great. there’s a minor paint correction i want to make. i say minor but since it involves painting back over the red on a small piece of wall, it won’t be fun. my wonderful hubby found a great way to overcome the shoe-molding so the bed and other furnishing is in place now. we have both climbed up to the top bunk and it seems stable. this weekend we’ll need to get sheets and a futon mattress. other than wall decor, the room will be done. woohooo! i need to get the guest bath painted this weekend too. the shame about that is that it is not spaced out long enough to have forgotten how not fun painting was the other night. in other news, i took some antihistamines last night and went to bed a little after 20:00. other than a bit of tossing and turning around midnight, i slept straight through this morning (and still would have liked several more snoozes before dragging my tired rear out of bed). while i did need the sleep, the antihistamines did not produce their desired results. see, last week i had a bite right below my left knee. it was a very different bite reaction (i won’t detail it because it was gross but it was very painful instead of itchy, very hot to the touch, and the pain spread into my knee joints) than i’ve ever had so i figured it must have been a spider or something that i don’t normally get bit by. at the same time, i was overcoming a multitude of mosquito bites on both legs and arms. there was one on my right leg that was remarkably swollen but i see that a lot with mosquito bites. anyhoo, the strange bite on my knee seemed to be healing after a few days so i had no further need for concern. well, after our paint marathon the other night, i noticed that i am biteful again. once again, i have a remarkably swollen mosquito bite on my right calf that is the full size of the calf but it has a really strange looking center. and once again, i have that really strange bite reaction on the side of my left knee. i don’t remember getting bit by anything this week but i guess i must have. i’ve been slathering both sites with antihistamine cream and took two doses of oral antihistamine last night. the one on my right calf is still itchy as all getout, the one on my left knee is still painful and ugly. it is the ones around my knee that concern me. hubby wants me to go to the dr because he thinks it’s some sort of infection in my knee causing these reactions, not bug bites. at two, i’m marking it up to coincidence but if i get another one, i’ll be getting it checked out.


lovely day

   Posted by: arcanai

it has been a simply gorgeous week here at the beach. all of the windows/doors have been open since sunday… in mid-april… in florida!!! it is absolutely fabulous! and the water is crystal clear. i’ve been enjoying all of this on my own as my hubby left me tuesday morning. he had a business gig for a couple of days and then went last night to visit his folks for a couple of days (yay! our wii is coming home!). so i expect he’ll be home saturday sometime. which i guess means that we won’t be going to orlando this weekend. and bossman still hasn’t given hubby a clear date for his next big trip which is supposed to be in the next couple of weeks but heaven knows when so we can’t very well schedule a visit to orlando. in other news, i’m very dismayed by the fact that not only can i not sleep at night (nothing new there) but i have lost my ability to nap. i can not tell you the last time i tried to take a nap and actually fell asleep. i’m exhausted, ya’ll. i guess that’s why the bathroom is not painted yet and i really, really want it painted.



   Posted by: arcanai

it’s been a lonely and lousy-feeling week. i spent much of monday being sick. i’ve just felt icky since then. on the bright side, the week’s over half over so my hubby will be back home soon. now if i could just work up the energy to clean this place up a bit.


i get by with a little help from my friends

   Posted by: arcanai

i just had a wonderfully cathartic conversation with my katie. it’s good to have a friend like her who is capable of being a “shoulder” friend over the phone. those are rare. my hubby is gone most of this week. crummy for him because he’s freezing his toes off and working around the clock – although the latter isn’t really a change now, is it. crummy for me because i don’t sleep well by myself but since i’ve been in a very down and lonely mood for the last week, we’re probably better being apart a couple days. maybe when he gets home i’ll be feeling better and stop snapping at him for no reason. i’m sure he’d appreciate that. on the bright side, a fabulous cold front has moved in and tonight and tomorrow night should be great open window nights. that should help me sleep.


i’m not dead yet… i feel much better…

   Posted by: arcanai

yesterday was a nightmare migraine day. i emailed my boss around lunchtime, took a handful of motrin, wrapped my head in a blanket and slept all afternoon. i woke up just in time for our after-hours conference call and managed to drag my computer into my lap to get dialed in. i took more motrin and made it through the call. i made it through dinner and guitar hero III and a tv show and took more motrin before bed. this morning, thankfully, the migraine is gone and the headache is mostly gone. that means it’s going to be a great friday, right? it’s just as well that yesterday was a bust since the plans we had for last night got blown off. wednesday was good though; we had a fun night with my cousin. we walked over there after dinner to poke some cards but ended up poking balls instead. i’m pleased to say that even though i’m about the sorriest billiard player around, i managed to win two games. we even wii’d a little before heading back home that night. i’m not sure what we’ll be doing tonight. i was going to make calls last night to try to get some plans going for tonight and sunday but the migraine kept me from getting very far with that. i think i made one unsuccessful call and sank back into the couch to watch more ghiii. we’ll come up with something. if nothing else, it’s family pizza and movie night here.