
it wasn’t for lack of effort

   Posted by: arcanai   in Nuthin' Special

despite my painfully pounding head, i had every intention of getting my tuesday night run in.  i (not so) patiently waited for hubby to get off the phone (less because i was waiting for him to stop working so we could run and more because he’s a ridiculously loud talker and did i already mention my head?).  we donned our running apparel, went down to the car, and headed toward our plaza.  traffic in that direction was crazy on our road, which is fairly normal, so i headed in the opposite direction to go the back-route.  when i got to the back road, the traffic in that direction was just as terrible.  i’m not sure exactly what was going on but it appeared to be cutting down to one lane so i pulled an immediate u-turn and headed back home.  some would argue that i could have gotten out of the car and started running down the road.  however, after the frustration of a failed effort even though i was feeling bad to begin with and then the added frustration of being inexplicably unable to parallel park upon returning home, i was done.  i decided that it was better for me to come back upstairs, take a handful of motrin, and eat some dinner.  judge me if you will, but i stand by that decision.  and now i’m about to take another handful of motrin and go to bed.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 at 22:36 and is filed under Nuthin' Special. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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