we don’t need no stinkin’ kitchen
i tell you, there’s just nothing about this move that has been easy. today we’re dealing with an appliance fiasco. you’ll recall that we bought all new appliances back in december and sold the brand new ones that came in the condo. since we knew we were going to be out of town for the last couple of weeks, we set the delivery date for today, as well as the pickup for the others. that’s over three weeks since we ordered. i got a call late saturday night letting me know that they would be delivered between 09:30 and 13:30. this morning, i got a computerized call letting me know that the range we ordered would not be delivered until the 28th. gee, thanks for the notice. especially since we’re not going to be here again next week. after i was just about done fuming over that, the phone rang again. it was a person this time letting me know that only half of our appliances were there and did we want to have those delivered today or just wait until the 28th to have it all delivered. ticked does not cover it. we ordered these a month ago! it’s not like we went in there this weekend and said deliver it tomorrow. luckily, the appliances that they are able to bring today are the fridge, washer, and dryer. since our old appliances are getting picked up in about an hour, we absolutely had to have a fridge to transfer our food to and we’re about out of clean clothes too. i’m so pleased with my new appliances. they are so pretty. i did a load of laundry already – kid with a new toy, i am. i was very entertained with watching the washing machine go (front loader) and i was astounded by how quiet it is. for those who were priviledged enough to have experienced randal’s old washer, you’ll know why. that stupid thing shook and shimmied and you could hear it miles away. i’m still ticked that we don’t have a stove, microwave, or dishwasher. but at least we got the important stuff. although i’m not sure how we’re going to cook for the rest of this week. woohoo, no cooking!
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