
boys just don’t get it

   Posted by: arcanai   in Nuthin' Special

every step of the way, my boy has been bewildered by the effort that i am going to for these shower invitations.  everything from “just buy the fill-in-the-blank kind” to “you know these aren’t the actual wedding invitations, right?”.  i asked him if he thought that people cut corners for our wedding to which he answered that he’d just stay out of it (for the next five seconds anyhow).  as it is, the idea i had in my mind for the invitations was so much nicer than what i ended up with and i actually feel badly about that.  truth be told, the invitations are a bit ugly.  don’t get me wrong, i think i did the best that i could, but i ended up having to completely dismiss what i really wanted to do (bad thing about small towns is that it’s harder to find specialty stuff) and what i ended up going with is truly a hideous color.  they would actually be very cute if it weren’t for the color.  anyhow, i just think it’s funny how he doesn’t seem to remember all of the hardwork and detail that people put into making every aspect of our wedding wonderful.  i want to do no less for my friend.  i feel very badly that i had no experience with this sort of stuff when i was bridesmaid for my other friends.  i just didn’t have a clue what i was supposed to do or how to do it so i was less than helpful to them.  i guess you just learn these things over time.  anyhow, i’ve got most of the invitations sealed in their envelopes and ready to go to the post office.  i’m still waiting on three addresses and then this phase of the shower will be done.  time to start planning a menu, favors, games, prizes and such. 
This entry was posted on Thursday, July 17th, 2008 at 11:27 and is filed under Nuthin' Special. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 comments so far


yeah, I kinda just threw your shower invites together. sorry about that. i suck.

July 18th, 2008 at 5:05

i remember them being very nice. and i did almost nothing for your wedding so you were a way better bridesmaid than me.

July 18th, 2008 at 7:13

I put a lot of thought into them, but the execution wasn’t great.

July 18th, 2008 at 8:12

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