
rough day, mellow-newby’s night

   Posted by: arcanai   in love my husband, pix

another rough night and day for hubby.  i spent a little time at the beach with sylvis and peach before hubby texted me begging me to come back up. 
i think peach's big smile has something to do with the bottom in the background on the left

i think peach's big smile has something to do with the chick to the left of the umbrella

the rest of the afternoon was spent on the bathroom floor rubbing my hubby’s back and generally trying to give him any comfort i could.  i finally convinced him to take some of the pain meds that were prescribed to him so he was able to get out a bit tonight.  we’re losing another brit tomorrow so we met up with mello and hairy for a little sendoff celebration for hairy.  we started at mellow mushroom for a snack.

mello and hairy

mello and hairy

peach and sylvis

peach and sylvis

peach, sylvis, and mello worshipping the magic shroom

peach, sylvis, and mello worshipping the magic shroom

we then walked across the street to ms. newby’s to listen to some music and hangout.  we had a good time.

sylvis and me at newby's

sylvis and me at newby's

love hairy's captain pose, mello, hubby, and sylvis at newby's

love hairy's captain pose, mello, hubby, and sylvis at newby's

i’m glad we got out some but by the time we got home, hubby was hurting pretty good again.  i’m guessing it’s going to be another crappy night…

This entry was posted on Friday, June 19th, 2009 at 23:20 and is filed under love my husband, pix. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

One comment


of course he is smilin’ at the cute chick…she is young, skinny, and can get a tan unlike his wife! we had a great time that night! I love the picture of mello and the mushroom.

June 28th, 2009 at 15:58

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