
what a trooper!

   Posted by: arcanai   in love my husband, pix

hubby made it through his surgery with flying colors.  he actually had a great night and no pain to speak of this morning, with no pain meds since yesterday afternoon.  we got to the surgical center just after noon and nightingale quickly took him back and began prepping him for surgery.  before long, she had them call me back to be with him and assured me that she had him “cover his junk” while she was prepping him because, afterall, she had to look his wife in the eye.  😀  when i got back there, they had him in an air-filled suit with his own temperature adjuster.  even his legs had inflated warmers wrapped around them.

feeling gooood!

feeling gooood!

all warm and comfy

all toasty and comfy, right down to the inflated leg warmers

he was happy and feeling good with whatever they put in that iv.  we sat and talked for over an hour, joking and having fun.  nightingale hung around for a while but had to clock out and leave the building when he was wheeled back to the o.r.  apparently they take a strong stance on being over on hours.  i got one last shot of us together before i had to go back to the waiting room. 

me and the drugged up lunch lady

me and the drugged up lunch lady

the dr was wonderfully nice (they all were, it helps to have friends in high places).  she came out and spoke to me just before she went in to perform the operation and then she came back out afterward to tell me how it went and let me take pix of the stone.  she reassured me that the surgery was the right thing to do since the stone was still lodged in the exact same place as it was on both ct scans.  it was 5mm and not going anywhere. 

the procedure itself only took about thirty minutes but then he was in recovery another thirty minutes before they let me go back to be with him again.  this was when i first got back there.  he was still knocked out and his inflatable gown totally made him look like he had man-6006s.  it was only about forty minutes later that we got out of there and headed back home.

6006y husband not quite awake yet after surgery

6006y husband not quite awake yet after surgery

of course, on the way home, i had to stop to get yet another script filled for him (has there been a day this whole weekend that i didn’t go to the pharmacy?  they’ve got to think i’m some sort of drugg!e).  when we got home, we headed straight for bed.  he’s been sleeping ever since and i’ve been snuggling him and watching over him.  i hope that he starts feeling better now but i have a feeling that’s not really going to happen until he goes back next week to get the stent out.

and now, what you’ve all been waiting for…  i give you, the little b@$t@rd that caused my husband so much pain and misery for the last month: 

with my pinky for size perspective

with my pinky for size perspective

up close and personal with the little b@$t@rd

up close and personal with the little b@$t@rd

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 24th, 2009 at 21:00 and is filed under love my husband, pix. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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