
breaking the bridge

   Posted by: arcanai   in getting healthy, happy things

i actually had one more post i wanted to backdate but i really needed to post about tonight’s run so i have to jump current.  tonight was… fantastic!  the weather was gorgeous.  the sun was shining but the fall breeze buffered it and it was already starting to set when i was on my way back.  i don’t know why but i just felt good.  from start to finish.  even though i was having terrible wardrobe malfunctions.  which makes no sense because i’ve never had problems with this skort (i’m used to it with the other two because they are still too small for me) but tonight the shorts kept riding up constantly.  it was annoying and slowed me down but it didn’t bring my mood down.  i kept a good, even pace all the way over and was at 18:49 when i turned around, a little less than a minute shorter than my “first split” last week.  i walked for about a minute going back up (mostly because i was having such fits with my skort) but otherwise “ran” the whole thing.  and i felt great.  no pain, no discomfort.  i was breathing heavy but not uncomfortably so and my throat got a bit dry so i was happy to see the water table on my way back (oh yeh, i walked another 30-40 seconds there).  i even saw dolphins in the bay.  i’ve never seen anything out there but birds and boats.  i had the biggest, goofiest grin on my face watching those dolphins come toward the bridge and disappear under me.  i did some uphill sprints and i was feeling so good on my way back that i was able to pick up my pace the rest of the way after the water stop.  i even sprinted the last little piece after crossing the red light.  my time tonight was 38:34.  i finally broke forty, on my own, and i did so by a minute and a half!!!  that averages out to almost a twelve-flat pace.  over the bridge!  i was showing my watch off to everyone.  i really didn’t even feel like i had pushed myself.  most importantly, i enjoyed myself.  truly.  i had a fun run tonight!  i never thought i’d feel that way about an activity that i spent my whole life despising.

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 1st, 2009 at 21:56 and is filed under getting healthy, happy things. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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