
making headway

   Posted by: arcanai   in Nuthin' Special

i’m not sure why, but i have been doing a really lousy job of preparing and packing for our rapidly approaching travels.  doesn’t make sense since i’m so stinkin’ excited about vacation.  really, we are so badly in need of it.

i think part of the problem is that we’ve had some complications arise with our departure.  a month or two ago, we were told to hold the 10th open for our friends’ party.  in the last week, that has turned into the 11th.  for those playing along without a calendar, that’s sunday.  originally, it wouldn’t have mattered because we weren’t going to leave town until next weekend, when we are officially on vacation. however, a business trip for hubby has changed that. when we still thought the party was saturday, we were planning on having fun with our friends and then getting up sunday morning to drive down so that we could catch my dad on our way into town.  however, now that the party has moved, we either have to skip it or drive down very late sunday night, making monday a nasty work day.  we love our friends and really hate to miss this, especially since we missed the last big shindig due to our mt leconte hike.  so… we’re torn.  add to that the fact that my dad is bummed that he won’t see us this weekend and my cousin is bummed that we won’t be tortured with her this weekend… it’s all feeling a bit stressful. 

i have finally started making some progress though.  the laundry is all done (will probably need to do another tiny load after the run tonight).  i have gathered important documents such as our passports and the cruise docs.  i have downloaded all pix from the memory card and ensured that they are all backed up on a secondary drive.   i even cleaned out and organized my purse in preparation for moving back to my old purse, which cirrus will fit in comfortably.  still to do either now or by the end of next week:

  • decide when we’re leaving
  • figure out what we’re going to do with the plants to keep them from being completely dead when we get back
  • gather all snorkel equipment and make sure it’s all clean and ready to use
  • get packed for business and vacation
  • pick and purchase excursions
  • go to the library to look for audiobooks
  • straighten up house and clear off balcony
  • make hotel reservations for south florida
  • figure out our travel arrangements for south florida
  • get hubby’s help with meeting preparation
  • benefit enrollment
  • refill prescriptions
This entry was posted on Thursday, October 8th, 2009 at 12:23 and is filed under Nuthin' Special. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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