
day one

   Posted by: arcanai   in getting healthy


and so today officially begins my half marathon training yet again.  clearly i did not learn my lesson last time or i am just a glutton for punishment.  maybe if i meet my goal this time, i’ll be able to hang it up for good.  for those wanting to play along at home, below is the training plan i’ve come up with.  pretty, eh? 

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Total
1/3- 1/9 3 4 Xtrain 3 Xtrain 5 Rest 15
1/10-1/16 3 4 Xtrain 3 Xtrain 6 Rest 16
1/17-1/23 3 5 Xtrain 3 Xtrain 8 Rest 19
1/24-1/30 3 5 Xtrain 3 Xtrain 10 Rest 21
1/31-2/6 4 5 Xtrain 4 Xtrain 11 Rest 24
2/7-2/13 4 5 Xtrain 4 Xtrain 9 Rest 26
2/14-2/20 4 6 Xtrain 4 Xtrain 12 Rest 22
2/21-2/27 3 4 Xtrain 3 Xtrain 8 Rest 18
2/28-3/6 3 3 Xtrain Walk 2 Xtrain Rest 13.1 21.1

so today was a blue, 3 mile day.  i went on my lunch break to the park by the mall and ran three loops.  i adjusted my route slightly on each lap trying to find a true mile.  i think i’ve almost got it figured out.  today ended up at 3.23 miles with an average pace of 11:39, which is better than i expected since it felt like a very poor effort with copious amounts of walking.  i was all alone, the sun was very bright, and the book that i’ve just started is not doing a good job of holding my attention yet – i sure hope that changes in the next run or two.  more details on the run below:


This entry was posted on Monday, January 3rd, 2011 at 16:33 and is filed under getting healthy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 comments so far


Great Job!!! I am so proud of you!

January 3rd, 2011 at 17:44

run, cousin, run!
I like your scheduled, it’s very pretty.

maybe I’ll follow along. But that, today, I can barely move. my race yesterday left me far achier than I was after my 26.2. Race walking is so different than my run/walk method. I am all kinds of ouch and can barely move at all.

January 3rd, 2011 at 19:36

so today’s a 3 miler. I think It’s more like a 4 or 5, if I can get started early enough, after Zero’s vet appt.

January 10th, 2011 at 12:29

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