whine? yes, please.
i’m feeling so despondent about my half marathon coming up in six days. for six+ weeks, my training was going awesome and i was truly feeling GREAT about my running. i just KNEW that i was going to kick that ½’s butt! after two weeks of knee and hip pain, and only managing to put in a whopping four miles total last week, and another not good feeling three miles today… i think all of my hopes for this 13.1 are gone. in fact, i have grave concerns about even being able to match last year’s time. i’m trying to look at the silver lining and resign myself to the fact that i can still go out there and have fun with all our peeps and cross the finish line when i can but i can’t get over the disappointment in my heart after all of the hard work i’ve put in and how fabulous i was feeling about it just a short time ago.
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