as is the norm in march, my thoughts lately have been turning to ron. we’re coming up on five years since he’s passed. i’ve still never figured out why i think of him so much but i do. this morning started out with an email informing us that another coworker, s.p., passed away yesterday. he was an orlando employee and i only met him a few times. the thing is, the first time i met him was also the first time i met ron. it was probably a decade ago, when hubby and i were still in orlando, and ron and s.p. were passing through on a business trip and wanted to get together with hubby for dinner. i met them together and they were quite the pair, hilariously feeding off each other. the last time i saw s.p. was at ron’s funeral. we actually tried to see him when we were in the office back in november but nobody knew where to find him in the great sea of cubes. it sounds kind of bad but this has just increased my sadness over ron this year.
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