kindly remove your foot from my right rear panel
UTIs suck. it started friday night/saturday morning. it made my life miserable saturday until we got home that night and i could take some azo. other than some minor suckiness, the symptoms have been successfully masked whilst i’ve been chugging water and cranberry by the tub-fulls. in the past, this has been a winning strategy. apparently not this time. this morning, somebody kicked me in the kidney with a steel-toe boot. by noon, i couldn’t take a deep breath without my kidney feeling like it was going to explode. i called and begged to be squeezed in at the dr office where they confirmed the kidney infection and gave me an antibiotic. holy cats, the pain! she said i should start to feel some relief by the morning. i’m inclined to go to bed, pull the covers over my head, and not come out until it stops hurting.
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