39 weeks
today was the first time I’ve been displeased with my dr. generally, I really like him. he’s got a great bedside manner, is very patient with questions, and was just all around wonderful with all of the fertility drama. today, however, he took it upon himself to strip my membranes without asking first. i would have declined such an offer. especially since we had just had the conversation about how i have no interest whatsoever in inducing labor (unless it becomes medically necessary, of course). i just didn’t understand what was going through his head and there was no reason for it. I’m not even due for another week. he seems sure that i’ll go into labor this weekend now. i have no such confidence and, frankly, if it’s because of artificial stimulation i really hope not. i just don’t think that’s really healthy. and next week i will definitely make sure to state ahead of time that i do not want my membranes stripped.
anyhow, petty venting aside… today’s visit was all good. 138 heart rate, 2cm, 95% effaced, -1 station. so no real progress other than another cm of dilation but we’re still healthy and nothing else matters to me.
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