
Lena Holloway

   Posted by: arcanai   in Nuthin' Special

During the night, the world lost one of the sweetest and most GOOD persons ever to live.  Hubby’s grandmother passed away just five days short of her 98thbirthday.  We had a big birthday party planned for Saturday but she just couldn’t hold on anymore.  While we know that this is a blessing for her as she has had little quality of life for several years now, we are selfishly sad over the loss.  She was a tremendous influence in my husband’s life and my own as well, though I have only known her nine+ years.  We’re talking about a woman who, when my husband was going to college, gave him fifty cents to help out.  She didn’t have much but she gave all she could.  I am happy that she is no longer suffering and I know that she was ready.  She’s been ready for years and has often asked anyone who would listen, “you don’t think the good Lord has forgotten about me, do you?”  She was the matriarch of a large family – 6 children, 16 grandchildren, 33 great-grandchildren, and 20 great-great-grandchildren after an assisted recount, the totals are actually 6 children, 17 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren, and 29 great-great-grandchildren.  She buried one child, one grandchild, and one great grandchild.  She will be missed very, very much.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 17th, 2008 at 8:38 and is filed under Nuthin' Special. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 comments so far


hugs and condolences.
Jason lost a good friend yesterday.
I wonder who the third will be?

December 17th, 2008 at 9:16

I am so sorry, tell randal that hugs are coming his way…

December 17th, 2008 at 10:30

I am so sorry…

December 18th, 2008 at 16:29

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