the marathon continues
I have not had much luck with Internet this morning but it has been an exciting time. I’m exhausted from watching all of these runners! We arriveded in time to see my cousin enter the magic kingdom at mile 10.
She looked great and was at a 14:52 pace.
We then met up with Sherlock and made it back to catch her coming out of of the castle.
Us three then caught a seat on a nice, air conditioned bus over to animal kingdom. While we were on the bus, she called Sherlock to let us all know that she had passed the halfway point and was feeling great! When we arrived at Animal Kingdom, we knew that it would be a little while before she ran through so hubby and I bought some overpriced Disney muffins (we hadn’t yet had breakfast) and found an empty spot along the runners’ path to eat and cheer. I felt hateful glares from the hot, tired, and starving runners while I consumed my pastry.
We cheered my cousin through the animal kingdom parking lot, which was just short of the 18 mile mark for her.
She quickly took a gulp of Sherlock’s coke and continued on her way at a roughly 16 minute pace. She’s doing great but is ready for a pizza! We then got on another air conditioned bus to come back to epcot. We are sitting in the shade next to the finish line awaiting her arrival. We expect to see her in less than an hour. Unfortunately, we are unable to keep up with where she is at since her phone seems to have died or been turned off since her 13.1 mile call.
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