mundane update
what can i say? i’ve just had nothing to talk about. it’s been a good week but i am so very looking forward to getting home tonight. we’ve spent some quality time with my sissy’s family and my dad. i’ve gotten to see a lot of my cousin, including a super fun poker-turned-karaoke night which another friend of mine joined in on. i haven’t gotten much exercise but i never much expect to when we come down here. i did walk two+ miles both saturday and sunday but nothing much since then. on the bright side, my legs have been feeling perfectly fine the last couple of days so i’m hoping to walk and maybe even slow-jog a bit tomorrow. just not much else going on. for some reason, i’ve just been a bit blah this week. i should have tried to get more visiting in – didn’t even get to see my brother (although, perhaps if he would’ve returned my call…) – but i’ve just felt a little worn out this week for some reason. i am happy that we’re going home and getting back into our routines again.
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