way #17,379 that hubby & I differ
Hubby has been lecturing me for years that if I were more active and tired my body out, I would sleep better. I’ve always scoffed at the notion because i’ve been way more active since meeting hubby than I ever was in my life and the insomnia hasn’t changed. Well, these last few weeks I have been Wearing. My. Body. OUT! Seriously, folks, this swimming and running is kicking my butt. And since I started all of this new, more vigorous activity… I do not sleep. Period.
So, after hours of laying in bed tonight, tossing and turning and wishing horrible curses upon soundly-sleeping-hubby, I realized that it’s just one more of our differences. If you know us, you know that we have nothing in common. So, the difference is that his body is just more intelligent than mine. When his body gets physically tired, it knows that it needs to recharge. When my body is worn out, it gets ticked off and restless. My body has too much attitude and not enough smarts to recharge itself. Which makes no sense at all since mine is a newer model and I’m pretty sure recharging wasn’t even invented yet when his was built. He’s ahead of his time.
The alarm will be going off in less than an hour and a half. I rolled around in bed (and not in a happy-fun way), with no comfort in sight, all I could stand. I got up, peed, walked around the condo, ate yogurt, stood outside watching waves, and generally gave up on the hope of sleep tonight. With the exception, of course, of finally falling into a deep, peaceful sleep 10-15 minutes before the alarm goes off. You know… to ensure that I feel as crappy as possible for the rest of the day. I guess instead of hating him for his ability to effortlessly find sleep, I should just chalk it up to one more thing to hate about my body.
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