monday blues
wherefore does the weekend fly by so quickly? it was a relatively nice weekend. we did the cinema under the stars friday night and had a good time. saturday i got to sleep in a bit and then hold down the couch for a little while watching tv while we waited for the girls to wake up so i could start breakfast (14:00!). after breakfast (lunch/early dinner), we watched randal’s favorite movie with the girls, went to the pool/hot tub, had a yummy dinner, and unlocked some more songs on rock band. sunday, we dragged the girls out of bed before noon (actually, we had them fed and out of the house before noon). it was a good rainy day for shopping so we did just that. we stopped at several boat stores looking for kayaks. we also stopped at several clothing stores so the girls could shop. we ended up at the dollar theatre in town for a movie about baby mama drama (i was highly amused on my bro-n-law’s behalf since he never heard of baby mamas until he changed professions and had the opportunity to employ young men that bring their baby mama drama to work). after a very long day of shopping/movieing, we stopped for dinner and then took the girls cruisin’ up and down the strip so they could yell out the car windows at boys. i think that was their favorite activity yet. we got home just in time for bedtime. this morning, i’m feeling pretty awful. i’m sinussy and sick at my stomach. and, there was a release sent out this weekend so work is full of fallout. is it friday yet? ooh, wait… wednesday’s our last day this week!
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