social butterflies
that would be us this weekend.
after the bridge run on thursday, a few of us met up at a local restaurant/club for their last “little black dress party” of the season. having never been, it wasn’t what i expected. we’ve eaten at the restaurant and it’s a nice place. i guess i expected the little black dress party to be a more sophisticated wine-type affair. it was… a meat market. don’t get me wrong, we had a good time with our friends but it just took me by surprise. we made it an early night, getting home just after midnight.
friday night, we were invited to dinner with shaw, a british guy in town for a couple months with the royal navy. he’s been doing the bridge run with us the last couple weeks. after dinner, we came back to our place where scooter and his wife met us for some mariokart fun. when scooter and sunny decided to call it a night, us two and shaw headed out to our favorite hangout for some live music. the place was dead but the music was decent so we hung out for a few sets. we took shaw back to the naval base around 01:30 and made it back home by 02:00. hubby was asleep almost immediately. i stayed up until after 05:00 working on converting the website for our running store. mello is now the proud owner of a nice looking, dynamic, and interactive website, if i do say so myself, for his store.
saturday we ran a couple of errands before picking up shaw at the store so that he could reclaim his car from our parking garage. hubby and i then crashed on the couch for a few hours before getting a call from mello and shaw inviting us to hooters to watch ufc. there were a few good fights before the snoozer that was the main event. we managed to make it home just after midnight.
this morning, shaw came over and he and hubby went for a beach run. when they got back, i made a big breakfast for all and we three walked down to the plaza to see a movie, where i felt personally violated by the new matinee prices. shaw took off after the walk back home and hubby and i spent the rest of the afternoon holding down the couch. it’s tiring to be social!
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