
eye heart u

   Posted by: arcanai   in family time

happy VD to everyone.  i, personally, spent the day bonding with my BIL.  earlier in the week i had made an eye doctor’s appointment for today.  see, the only provider on my vision insurance in our area is sears and, as we all know, sears SUCKS!  so, since i’m still boycotting them, i needed to find an optometrist in orlando.  when BIL heard this morning that i was going to the eye doctor, he asked if i thought he might be able to tag along.  i made a call and, though all of their appointments were filled, they agreed to squeeze him in with me.  so we left the house around 14:00 and got there early enough to fill out our paperwork and help each other pick out frames before they blinded us.  the whole appointment took so much longer than my last eye doctor but we finally were both seen, dilated, and had our glasses ordered.  we then went into the blinding sun with our saucer-eyes and grabbed some food over at the mall while waiting for the glasses to be made.  i joked with BIL that it was wrong to take a girl to the mall on VD and not buy her diamonds.  about an hour later, we picked up our respective eyewear and finally got back home around 18:30.  with whom did you spend your VD?

This entry was posted on Saturday, February 14th, 2009 at 23:26 and is filed under family time. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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